The following translation is an excerpt from an article of AIKIDO SHIMBUN; the official newsletter of Hombu Dojo. The article titled "To the spirit of the past doshu" was written by Moriteru Ueshiba dojo-cho for the January 20th 1999 edition of Aikido Shimbun

"The techniques and way of Aikido that the founder O-Sensei left us, was not always easily understood by everyone. Doshu, my father, changed these so they would be easily understood, and he gave all of his life to spread this. For that reason he left behind many books that he had written. I grew up watching Doshu return from keiko to study and write for long hours and even with my child's eyes I could see the importance of this work"

This clearly states that the former Doshu made changes to O-Sensei's Aikido.

The Aikido as taught in Iwama strictly follows the techniques and way of Aikido as left to us by the founder.

This was handed out to participants of the seminar held by Saito Morihiro Sensei in the Swiss Alps in May 1999.

Bu terc�me, Hombu Dojo'nun resmi yay�n organ� olan Aikido Shimbun gazetesinde yer alan ve yukar�da sunulan bir makaleden yap�lm��t�r.

20 Ocak 1999 tarihli Aikido Shimbun'da yer alan bu makale, Hombu Dojo y�neticisi ve O-Sensei'nin torunu Moriteru Ueshiba taraf�ndan kaleme al�nm�� olup, "Merhum Doshu'nun ruhuna" ba�l���n� ta��maktad�r.

"O-Sensei'nin bize b�rakt��� tarz Aikido ve teknikleri, herkesce kolay anla��labilir de�ildi. Doshu, yani babam, bunlar� kolay anla��labilsin diye de�i�tirdi ve bunu yaymak i�in de, t�m hayat� boyunca u�ra�t�. Bu sebeple, arkas�nda bir�ok kitap b�rakt�. Doshu'nun �al��madan d�n�p, uzun saatlerce inceleme yap�p, yaz�lar yazd���n� g�rerel b�y�d�m ve bu �al��man�n �nemini bir �ocuk g�z�yle bile anlayabildim."

Yukar�daki makale, �nceki Doshu'nun, O-Sensei'nin Aikidosunu de�i�tirdi�ini a��kca ifade etmektedir.

Iwama'da ��retilen Aikido, kurucu O-Sensei'nin bize b�rakt��� tarz Aikido ve tekniklerin de�i�tirilmemis hali ve tamamen ayn�s�d�r.

Bu dok�man, Morihiro SAITO Sensei taraf�ndan, May�s 1999'da �svi�re'de verilen bir seminer s�ras�nda, kat�lanlara da��t�lm��t�r.